

Highs and Lows

Current Conditions












Date:              08-10-24 Longtitude: 52° 04' 19" N Sunrise:         7:55
UPDATE Time: 13:39 Latitude:     4° 38' 29" E Sunset:          19:02  
Station Name: BoskoopWeather Elevation:    -5 m Moon Phase:  Waxing Crescent
Location:        Boskoop The Netherlands
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Current Weather at Boskoop:


Radar - The Netherlands

Temperature: 17.1 °C Dew Point: 12.8°C
Humidity: 76 % Wind Chill: 17.1°C
Wind:           S at 9.7km/hr   THW Index: 17.1°C
High Wind: 25.7 km/hr at 7:21 Heat Index: 17.1°C
Barometer: 997.5  hPa and Steady Current Rain Rate: 0.0 mm/hr
Today's Rain: 1.0  mm Monthly Rain: 14.6 mm
Storm Total: 2.4  mm Yearly Rain: 859.8 mm
Solar Radiation: 234 W/m² EvapoTranspiration: 0.61 mm
High Solar Rad.: 506 W/m² at 11:46    

Forecast: Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation possible within 12 hours, possibly heavy at times. Windy.  

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 KNMI Waarschuwingen

Meteogram Boskoop








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Radar - Europe



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